Sunday, July 13, 2008

How This Book Helps You Grow Rich

PREPARE YOURSELF for a wonderful experience. Whatever you want out of life, this book will show you the way to make it come to you. Be it money, influence, love, respect, or admiration—be it any or all of these— it will be yours in abounding measure.
This way to get rich is universal. It has brought riches to men who work at all kinds of occupations in many parts of the world. It does not depend on your education, your background or your luck.

It depends on the most essential, deepest-thinking part of you.
Just look around and you'll see how few men really know what they want or where they're going. Having no goal in mind, they can't even discern the difference between what is good for them and what is bad.

If you too are that way—don't worry. This book is going to change you. Start by remembering that you are better than you consciously think you are. In fact, if you already know how you would like to spend a lot of money, you are far ahead of most men!

Before you finish this book, you are going to know once and for all:

-How to recognize your real goals in life—no matter what anyone else tries to tell you

-How to get acquainted with your real self—your true abilities, your vast fund of hidden talent.

-How to fill yourself with such genuine, deep-down confidence, zest and good-will that other people will be pleased to help you get what you want.

-How to find and hold the full, glorious picture of your own success and build toward that picture with every word and deed.

As your work multiplies in worth, remember this: You possess not only the things money can buy, but also the deep, inward satisfaction that comes with making your life what you want it to be. Growing rich in a way that really expresses you is just about the most constructive, healthful, joyous thing you can do for yourself!


This entire book is built around a saying in the Bible: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Without changing the meaning of this timeless, golden truth, I give it to you more along the lines of modern psychology: A man is what his Creative Mind says he is.

You are not a body with a mind attached. You are a mind with a body attached.
Remember this, and you take your first step toward self-mastery.

Actually, the mind has two levels. The one we know best is the conscious level. It takes in impressions through your senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. It is highly effective in making your daily thousand-and-one decisions. When you perform any conscious act—pick up a pencil, speak to a waiter, make a phone call—your Conscious Mind sends the orders to your body. And when you go to sleep, your Conscious Mind goes to sleep.

The other level never sleeps. This is the Creative Mind.
Your Creative Mind literally keeps you alive. It is responsible for the involuntary life-functions such as your heartbeat andyour breathing.
It has great control over your glands, the master regulators of your body.

Most important for our purpose: Your Creative Mind also governs your personality, your character, your inmost drives, your deepest and most secret desires!

W. Clement Stone conceived a powerful picture in his Creative Mind; he saw himself controlling a large insurance company. Now, we all know that to start a business you need capital; in fact, most business failures are caused by lack of capital to tide-over a bad time. Well, my friend Stone had less than $100 in his pocket. But he has made a personal fortune of some $100,000,000... beginning as the head of an insurance company.
How many salesmen will go out today with a good product and a good sales pitch—and ring up no sale? It's your Conscious Mind that knows the facts about a product and how it can benefit the user. But it's your Creative Mind that determines whether you inspire trust or suspicion, belief or doubt—whether you are the kind of man who is well-liked as soon as he says Hello, or the kind who shapes up as a negative character whom it's so easy not to do business with.

I don't mean that an image of success in your Creative Mind means that you cannot possibly fail on any occasion. But I will show you men who, having first failed, came back and overcame every obstacle. They simply considered every setback a wonderful opportunity for improvement.

It's your Creative Mind that can and will put you up there among the happy, well-clothed, and well-supplied people; the people who attract love, who find their way out of difficulties, and who seem always to live in the sun.

Just as its title promises, this book shows you how to grow rich while you sleep. You do it by communicating with your Creative Mind while your Conscious Mind sleeps along with the rest of you!

At this time, your Creative Mind is highly receptive and the Conscious Mind cannot interfere. Send your Creative Mind a message while you sleep, and that message sinks in. It even can eradicate undesirable old messages. (You can do this at other times, too, but the best time is when you are asleep.) And, by the way, you'll sleep soundly.

As I shall show you, the actual process of communication is very easy. Some people take a few days to master this priceless secret. I know of several men who did it in one night. It's a wonderful experience to find that magic genie at your command.

What shall you tell your Creative Mind while you are sleeping? First, I suggest you practice with the tested messages you'll find in this book. I know by experience how powerful they are.

Very soon, however, you'll create your own messages. Mind-pictures, really... of you driving the car you want to drive ... living in the house you want... belonging to the clubs or social groups you've yearned to join. And, most of all, you supplied with plenty of money and spending it in the way that pleases you most!

Some men think they have tried and failed at this already. If you think so, I assure you the chances are a thousand to one that you never got through to your Creative Mind. Many a man "changes his mind" about the way he'll handle his life—but all he changes is his Conscious Mind.

Now you are going to change yourself right down there where you really live. This time you'll cast out all negation, self-doubt, self-defeat. Optimism, self-confidence, courage and wonderful new talent will be yours—and the road to riches is straight and wide.


I was not exaggerating in the least when I said that getting rich can be the most constructive, healthful, joyous thing you ever did. My only warning is that you must get rich in the way that expresses your own, best, personal achievement. Then you'll earn more than just money.

Since some three-quarters of our illness has a mental basis, doesn't it stand to reason that your state of mind has a tremendous effect on you? In fact, the famous researcher Dr. John A. Schindler has shown that one of the most positive aids to health is a cheerful, constructive, forward-looking state of mind.

I know that many men get rich at the cost of their health— rich enough to be able to afford the most expensive doctors.

This is not going to happen to you. The next few years, while you build your fortune, will be your happiest years. You'll free yourself of much inner conflict and have no psychosomatic reason to become a "headache type" or a "bag of ulcers."

What's more, you'll rid yourself of a great deal of fatigue and get more work done with much less effort. For what is more fatiguing except defeat—the dreadful tiredness of continually butting your head against a wall? The best tonic for this tiredness is doing one job after another with sureness and success. At the end of a day you're rarin' to go off for a well-earned session with your favorite hobby.


A worried little woman once came to me for counsel. She could not get along with her husband. There was not enough money to clothe the family. Her children gave her a great deal of trouble. She thought of herself as being hopelessly doomed to a life of misery. She was sure of just one thing—she had no time in which to study for self-improvement.

I told her that the answers to her problems were contained in her Creative Mind. I spent a little over an hour with her, explaining what I explain in this book.

Six months later she came back to tell me that her married life was now ideal, that she had plenty of fine garments in her wardrobe, and that her children were now a joy instead of a care.

All she had done was to build firm mind-pictures of the ideal conditions she desired. These pictures literally became part of her Creative Mind. Yes, it also took a certain amount of "doing"
in order to make her dreams come true. But only when she believed she could handle her situation did she set about getting things done.

Because I believe that a happy marriage is wealth beyond measure, I devote many pages to showing you how to find this happiness through the wonderful, natural power of your Creative Mind.


In writing this book I have drawn upon a vast amount of personal experience—and the experience of others.
Here is a favorite among all the true experiences that have been told to me. It concerns an experiment conducted with a laborer who could not read or write.

This man had worked with his muscles all his life. Now, in his early sixties, he began to age rapidly. But, through a tricky calculation, it was "proved" to him that the records were wrong and he actually was ten years younger than he thought.

Almost at once, this man looked younger, acted and felt younger. Where before he had complained he couldn't work the way he used to, now he did a full day's hard labor, every day, without excessive fatigue. There was nothing wrong with him. But he had thought in his Creative Mind that at sixty he had to complain and slow down—just the way all his friends did.

It has been noticed, too, that people who go blind when they are young often will look younger, thirty years later, than sighted people of the same age. It is said this happens because they remember their own faces as youthful faces. They don't look for wrinkles, they don't expect to see grey hair.

In the same way, many a man expects a mediocre performance of himself. He gets it!
Here are a few of the commonest ways in which people down-grade themselves:
"I'm just too shy to get along with others." Often this means that your Creative Mind keeps on telling you that you don't likeyourself. Therefore you don't like the way you act among other people, and would prefer to stay away from them.

But your Creative Mind can be persuaded to change its signals completely. Soon you are going to like yourself, like other people, and enjoy sharing their good times.

"My memory is so bad, it's always embarrassing me." Strangely enough, your essential memory cannot be bad—because your Creative Mind retains an impression of everything you have heard, seen, read, felt or tasted since the day of your birth—and perhaps even an impression of everything you have thought, as well.

So, when you "forget," you really mean you cannot bring into your Conscious Mind something stored away in your Creative Mind. The mind-line is blocked. Hours or days later you may smite your brow and exclaim, "That's it!" as the mind-line suddenly opens.
Millions of people waste the greater part of their minds by blocking-off their own memories. I will show you that an open mind-line not only improves your memory, but also strengthens and alerts other mental powers. It can be worth a great deal to be able to come up promptly with names, addresses, phone numbers, prices. Just remember—you have a perfectly good memory. We'll get together and wake it up!

"/ can't concentrate." People who are scatter-brained sometimes fear they are mentally defective. Except in rare cases, this is not so. More likely, your Creative Mind has learned bad habits

You are going to see why thoughts have such power ... how every action must begin with a thought. And you will see that you, in your Creative Mind, decide how much power to give to a particular thought.

First you will instruct your Creative Mind to concentrate on the concepts you want to be the most powerful. Then your Creative Mind will instruct your Conscious Mind to keep those concepts always in view. You'll have no further trouble in concentrating. And it will be effortless concentration that eliminates a lot of worry and keeps your vital energies working together to attain your goals.


You are going to be a better person in so many ways, you'll feel as though you had been born again!

Your Creative Mind will give you a cheerful, zestful attitude toward anything you do.
When you deal forcefully with problems and decisions, you'll grow in poise and self-control. Things that fluster other people won't fluster you.

Let me tell you one more story. It's about myself.

Years ago, when I first began to realize the limitless power of the Creative Mind, I happened to need some repair work on my house. But I found reasons for putting it off. Probably I invented reasons!

When I finally got that job done, my conscience bothered me. How, I thought, can I instruct my Creative Mind to tell my Conscious Mind that things must get done when they ought to be done?

The answer was absurdly simple.

Now, when I have a task to perform, I first give my Creative Mind a picture of the completed job. Doing this while I sleep, I can wake up and feel all the pleasure I am going to feel when I see the job accomplished. Then, when I go about actually doing it, obstacles seem to melt away—or at the most, they become merely details. When the job is done, I feel that good satisfaction all over again.

Right there is the key secret of getting rich.

Today, now, decide in your Conscious Mind that you are rich. (Your major job is completed!)
As soon as you read this book, you'll know the sure, easy way to implant that million-dollar thought in your Creative Mind. And then nothing, absolutely nothing can stand in your way.

HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE the word riches?

The answer you give is exactly what this book will mean to you. When the word riches is used from here on, it will mean riches according to your interpretation.

Some of you will visualize riches as an unlimited supply of money; a regal estate; a yacht; an airplane, etc. And if this is your objective—fine. Build upon it in your imagination and, as you continue reading this book, you'll find it will be well within the realm of possibility to make your dream a reality.

Perhaps you interpret riches as meaning leadership: leadership in politics, in industry, in commerce, etc. Should your desires fall in this category, the contents of this book will put you on the right track to fulfillment.

You might think that wishing for both material riches and riches in personal power is expecting too much. But it is not. In fact you can hardly have one without the other. But beware! To wish for both—or even one—would get you nowhere. Be careful of that word wish! It can do you more harm than good as you'll later learn.

I once heard a definition of riches which may apply to some of you.
Edel and I were visiting the cozy bungalow of a day laborer and his family. The house was small, but very tastefully furnished.

It contained most of the modern conveniences. The small yard showed evidence of a green thumb. The mortgage on the house had been fully paid off. The husband had an income on which the family could live comfortably, and he was assured a pension when his day of retirement arrived. The total physical assets of this family would not exceed $12,000.

"I consider ourselves to be the richest family in town," she said with great pride. "We have no financial worries" she continued, "and perfect harmony reigns throughout our house."

If you have not attained this level of riches, you can think of it as your first plateau and use the power you will gain from this book to lift you up to it. Upon reaching this standard you can raise your sights once more and continue your climb to higher and higher realms.

There are those on this earth who possess practically nothing of a material nature, but who consider themselves rich, because of their happy minds and healthy bodies.
I do not believe any one of us should aspire to be a Croesus, because material riches can engender unhappiness as easily as they can raise one to the heights of ecstasy.
At this point I am going to ask you a very pertinent question: "What is the greatest good one may expect from riches?"

To have money in the bank; to own a palatial home; to be able to entertain lavishly; to be able to travel anywhere anytime—in first-class manner—and to have a wardrobe which would be the envy of all, are a few of the things you might consider as being the advantages of riches.

Think of these things and anything else which might be associated with money and you will still be wrong as far as an intelligent answer to the question is concerned.
The real reason for wanting riches is to be happy. This is the end result of all accomplishment. Although one thinks his goal is riches, in reality he is seeking the soul-satisfying happiness which comes with achievement; the riches are his reward for attaining his objective.

Grow Rich While You Sleep

95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind.

This figure includes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, business failure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness, worry, etc.

You can do something about it... while you sleep!

You are a mind with a body attached, not a body with a mind attached! Realize this and you are on your way to self-mastery.

This is the new approach to the Conscious Mind through the other level that never sleeps, the Creative Mind.

What you will discover is priceless!

This book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, while you sleep, to get whatever you want out of life . . . money, personal influence, love, respect and admiration.

At will, you can direct your Creative Mind to assist you in solving problems . . . making the right decisions ... in creating ways and means of great achievement . . . over night!

With this technique you can sleep on it and awake in the morning with answers so clear-cut you will be amazed!

You will discover:

—6 exercises that develop your latent creative powers into a mental powerhouse.
—5 ways to make your Creative Mind work for you.
—a formula for building a success consciousness that will lead you to success in any direction ... and double your income.
—how to develop your powers of concentration.
—how to accentuate the positive ... and gain a magnetic personality.
—how to go on a mental diet ... to gain radiant mental and physical health ... and feel younger than your years, even at 70.

By unblocking the mind-line this method automatically improves the memory, strengthens other mental powers, casting out self-doubt and self-defeat.

It builds optimism, confidence, courage, and brings out latent talents, shows that you can grow rich ... in all things . . . material as well as spiritual . . . while you sleep.

About the Author

The late Ben Sweetland was widely known for his syndicated column, "The Marriage Clinic," and for his many books, including I WILL, and I CAN.

He was active on the West Coast as a consulting psychologist, and was much sought after as a lecturer throughout the states.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

What NOT To Look For Within A Home Based Business?

Are you looking for a home based business? Here are some tips to go by for researching an opportunity to make money from home. This decision must not be made lightly. There are many opportunities out there that are considered to be a scam and it's important to know which ones to avoid.


a) Craft AssemblyAssemble toys, model homes, dolls, and other crafty ideas.

b) Envelope StuffingOne of the oldest scams around. You will end up stuffing an envelope promoting the opportunity to stuff envelopes for a living.

c) Chain EmailsHere you will be required to send money from an email you receive and then pass on the wealth to your friends.

d) Computer TypingThis scam will require that you type out letterheads, etc. The only thing you end up typing out is the opportunity to type at home for a price.

e) 1-900-NumbersHere you will pay money to call the number. This is how people make money.

f) Medical BillingWith this terrible opportunity you will be required to pay a fee for a kit to build your own medical billing company.

All of these opportunities are scams. There are many more like them. If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

It's very important to research each home based business opportunity that interests you.
The more informed you are, the better your chances of finding a credible company to represent.

a) Contact The CompanyWhen in doubt, contact the company who is responsible for offering this opportunity to the public. Ask them for their track record, critic approvals, recommendations from experts, etc. It's important to know the company you do business with.
If you found the opportunity through another representative, ask the company if that specific representative has a good track record with no complaints.

b) Call The BBBThe Better Business Bureau will be able to notify you about any complaints received about any given company. This will help to avoid companies that don't pay their representatives on time, or even at all.

c) Call The Federal Trade Commission FTC is responsible for suing shady companies that are considered to be a scam. Try to find out if the companies you research is on their list. If so, move onto another one right away.

d) Research OnlineMost industry critics are writing reports online about what is considered to be a good home based business to partner up with, and what scams to avoid. Simply search for the "company name" within Google, or Yahoo and read through reports found within those search results. Make sure to read everything someone has to say, and also make sure to read multiple reports, not just one source.

By following these simple tips, you will have what you need to make the right decision for your own home based business needs. In the end, go with your gut feeling because it's important to believe in the company you represent otherwise no one will be believe you.

About the Author:
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Martin Lemieux is a network marketing expert who offers his knowledge to better educate prospects and team members.
To learn about a great opportunity within the health industry with a great deal of potential for growth, click the link below...Get free information on Martins home business: learn more about home business tips, click here:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Successful Home Businesses on the Internet

When starting your own business, you are probably just like me. Excited and scared all at the same time. You want your business to be successful. But your scared you might make a mistake and mess up. You want consumers to know about your business but your really not sure what steps to take to bring your company to the attention of the customer. Trust me, Everyone who has started their own business, whether a storefront or a Home based business, has gone through this anxiety.

Do you remember in High school when you had to take those aptitude tests to see what kind of career you would do well in? I remember my test results told me that I would make a great store owner. My husbands also told him that he would do well as an entrepreneur.
So as our life together started to grow we decided to open our own Comic book Shop. We where taking charge of our lives and becoming our own boss.
I twas hard work. The day to day grind of finding the funds to start and the search for the perfect spot for our store took many months to achieve. But the hardest job we had was after the Store opened. We realized that we had to promote our business or we wouldn't survive.
How were we going to get customers to come to our store? We checked into advertisements in the telephone directory and radio spots to Promote our business. But these programs were pricey and money was tight. We were facing what every business big or small faces. How do we get customers to come to our store without breaking our limited pocketbook? We had to get creative.
We made large signs to put out on the streets. We made posters and flyer's and passed them out to different areas of the city. We did research and found out where our target market consumers hung out. Then we went there and hung out too.

When starting your own business you need to consider what you need to do to promote yourself. Just like we did, you need to start thinking of ways to promote your business. And unless you are already rich, you want to find ways to save money while promoting. Here are a few pointers that may help you to promote your business without breaking the bank.

1. Do your research. Find out were your target market is. Your target market are the people that will be most interested in what you are selling. Go to websites that deal with the same product that you have. Go to Blogs and read about your business. hang out in newsgroups and Forums and talk to people. Find out where your target market is and then hang out with them. And don't forget to go to those conference calls and talk. People will start to recognize you

2. Write something. Become an expert in your field. Write as many Ezine articles that you can about your business. The more you get your name out there the more people will recognize who you are and be interested in what you are doing. Write an ebook about your product. Or start a Blog. Be creative.

3. Through your new contacts start building a list of leads. Find out were people are getting leads for their websites. Find a lead Generation company that can help you find quality leads. There are great companies out there that can help you build your own leads without spending an arm and a leg. In fact many companies have start up programs that are free, but are packed full of information on how to get your name out there.

The key to a successful Business online or offline is getting to know your target market and having them get to know you. Call them. Treat them as friends. And remember to do your research. Hang out with the right people and your business will grow. But don't forget to treat others with respect. Word of Mouth is the best way to get others to come to your business. Treat them with respect and they will bring their friends along and treat you with more business. Happy growing!

About the Article Author
Djuana Berlin has been a Successful offline and online business owner for nearly 15 years. Djuana and her Husband Troy currently own a Master Marketing System Master Marketing System and are training students with Online Marketing Secrets with MIM Online Magazine Feel free to reuse this article but please leave the links and author bio intact.
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

5 Important Things To Look For In A MLM Business

There are a lot of MLM opportunities that are destined to fail and therefore, choosing the right MLM business opportunity is very important if you would like to succeed. If you have built a very large downline, then all this would vanish and all your efforts would have been for nothing simply because in this industry there are a lot of startups that come and go. MLM is also referred to as network marketing and it is a legal and viable business plan. You might have to try out many MLM companies before finding the right one simply because there is not a single MLM company that works for everyone. Generally, good MLM companies have a balance between recruiting mentoring and selling real products. There are 5 important things to look for in an MLM business to ensure that you are taking the right path.

1. Firstly, because different people have different strengths with respect to making a MLM business work for them, any company that tells you that anyone can do their MLM program is lying. Looking for an MLM company is like shopping for clothes. The key is not to lose morale after the first attempt. Many in the corporate world have failed many times but still managed to become successful after they have found a business that fits them.

2. When looking at MLM as a career choice, it is important to be realistic as MLM companies are never perfect entities. No career or job can promise you a trouble free, painless journey, let alone MLM companies. You are really planning to disappoint yourself if you thought of MLM companies as your saviour. Humans run businesses and humans have faults. That simply means that there are some MLM companies that will treat you better than others, but none will give you a perfect scenario.

3. Looking closely at the products that MLM companies sell is very important as well. MLM companies that sell widely available products in local stores or make implausible claims should be avoided at all costs. Are they trust worthy if they cannot even be honest about their product? Extra precaution must be taken against MLM companies that ask you to order a large amount of inventory because their products are on backorder.

4. The MLM companies that are more focused on taking your money will usually put more emphasis on recruiting than promoting sales of their quality product. They might ignore you as a professional, and indulge in illegal ways, such as the pyramid scheme.

5. How long the company has been in business is also a good indication of the status of the company. They are less likely to go under if they have been in business for a while and are listed on the stock exchange. Along with that comes the issue of the track record of the existing leadership. Successful and well-built MLM companies usually have excellent leadership and experienced management and this is a vital point in choosing the right MLM opportunity. It is about looking ahead.

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About the Author:
Dan Cassi is an authority on online businesses providing valuable advice at Where he shares online business opportunities with thousands of people worldwide. Click Here to gain FREE access to Internet marketing secrets when you sign up for the "Residual Wealth Factor" 7 day E-Course

Thursday, April 24, 2008

6 Tips From 'Success Gurus' To Be Successful In Life :

Most people want to be successful in life. But what is the definition of success? What means to succeed in life? If you ask enough people they will tell you that "success" is different. The most common theme around success is power, money, happiness, love etc. From person to person this will vary. It always depends on what you are looking for in your personal and also in your business life.

There are some key factors that lead to a successful life:

Dream - You have to have a personal dream to follow.

Action - It is equally important to take the necissary actions in order to fulfill your dreams, because without action, nothing happens.

Faith - This is said to be the key factor that drives one towards success. Lack of faith would only lead to failure.

Discipline- This is something that my mother had a big problem understanding, but it's important to be able to put off certain aspects of the good life now in order to succeed in the end and become what you want.

Enthusiasm to try and take risk - You must be enthusiastic even if you fail, over and over again. You should be willing to let your ships parish in order to WIN, WIN, WIN and never quit!

write out a plan of action for steps and methods you would pursue to achieve y

Positive attitude - Positive attitude guarantees success. With positive attitude nothing is impossible. Thus, you are able to take dedicated action and follow certain plans, systems, which guarantee success in life.

Most people say that it's enough with "motivation", the "right attitude" and a lot of other hokey stuff, in order for you to succeed, but in reality, success is an ongoing achievements that we contantly focus on and take action on in our personal and professional life.

Some guidance here: Here are 6 secrets to success which have been advised and practiced by motivational gurus around the world:

1. Accept 100 percent accountability for your life - You are responsible for what happens with YOUR life. It's NOT ok to blame the media, government or your parents for your mistakes and failures. If you keep blaming people you'll soon learn that you in fact let them control you and when you realize this you'll start take responsibility for your own life and work towards your own success.

2. Live your life with purpose - When you live your life with a purpose, your main concern would be to do everything right. Your purpose would help you put your best efforts in everything you do.

3. Be Daring to take risk - It's true what they say.. nothing comes truly easy in this world, because in order to succeed there is almost always an equal or greater risk. So, be willing to take these risks and have faith that one day you'll succeed!

4. Stay focused - It's easy to get distracted when you are working towards a goal, so it's important that you don't let simple things distract you. Always keep an eye on the goal and visualize what you want and it will eventually manifest.

5. Draw a Plan of action - our goals. You need a map to reach your destination, right?

6. Stay committed - It's not enough to say "one day I'll be a millionaire" and they just let things "happen to you", you MUST go out there and take affirmative action on an ongoing basis in order to fully achieve. So stop procrastinating and become an action taker who is persistent and use this powerful force to allow yourself to have constantly committed actions manifested in you. Repeat, "Never give up, just one more time, one more time and I'll be there... just one more time, come on, I can do it!"

Many of us give up when we fail the first or second time in our attempts. But do you know the biggest secret of success in life?

Here is the big secret: It's impossible to get it right 100% of the time and it's because you fail that you'll learn what works and what doesn't. If you wait to get things right all the time you will be procrastinating for life. Perfection kills you. Instead, just keep going and succeed in everything you do.

Internet Marketing Wiz-Kid Chris Stigson has the perfect formula to overcome procrastination and take action to follow your dreams. You need to stop procrastinating if you want to succeed in anything. Grab his free report and unrevealed secrets for becoming whatever you want.. and he's only 20 years old!

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About the Author
Christopher M Stigson
A 20 Year Old Student With Interesting Ideas About Many Topics... He likes to teach people how to overcome procrastination and fulfill their lives. ...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Online Business In India - Free Guide To Start A Internet Business by John McWill

A user's average time to read a page is less than 40 seconds. Within that time an online business needs to attract the customer make a compelling proposition and close the deal. The competition in the virtual world is so high and is growing day by day. The total number of registered domains are increasing and rising to millions day by day. Online business is consuming a largest revenue making thing in the internet world.

What are the best things that you can do for your business success in this tight competition? Here are some tips to follow:

Target the untargeted:

Know your customer well before you target your product to them. For example, eBay is recognized by people as it satisfied the desires of the buyers. It also sold second hand products. eBay realized the need for trade and hence brought in a place to make the buyers and sellers meet. Ecommerce technologies also helped eBay to create the necessary platform required.

When you are new to online business, start it small but strike the right one.
Business planning holds a lot of importance:

Have a complete knowledge on your revenue source and also the break-even duration and point and other strategic details. Only with proper planning you can achieve all the milestones.

You need to plan the right moment to expand your business and plan for the future sources of revenue.

The internet business is known for its sudden changes in the market. There will be a lot of upheavals and make plans to manage these situations.

Users' free software:

Choose software that is easy to manage and allow you to work on it easily. This it must spotlight your core business activities. Choose an ecommerce solution that fits all your business requirements. Analyze your ecommerce solution on its security and safety of using it. Invest in solutions that are adaptable even to your future requirements.

Create a unique selling proposition with a web store:

Visual memory is more powerful than the textual memory. The right branding is important for the success of an online business. Improve your brand recall with an e-store that is in tune with all the likes and dislikes of your targeted customers.

Learn more about your customers and create a unique branding strategy with distant combinations of color and layout and an innovative logo.

Your customer should not fail to remember you:

Customer relationship management (CRM) is also of huge importance especially when you are small and making a strong customer base. Develop innovative ways to inform pat customers about your new products and latest updates on your web store. Your innovative CRM solutions will help you in a strong communication with your customers.

More web presence more business:

By working on your search engine optimization to improve traffic to your website is very important. You can hire professionals to work on your SEOs or do it yourself. Majority of the buyers visit only the first to fourth page. So your target should be to hit the first five ranks in a search engine. Intelligent marketing will get you a huge customer base.

About the Author
Get Free Tips for a successful online internet Business. This type of business you can do from home and earn money.

Work From Home Moms by Anne Harvester

It’s hard to imagine women with children who don’t want to be work from home moms. Let’s face it, unlike most industrialized nations in which children of working mothers receive first-rate, government or company provided daycare, such services in the U.S. are extremely expensive â€" and no-one will ever care for your children like you do. The good news is that by selling beauty products from home, you can join those happy individuals who are among the nation’s growing number of work from home moms.

Growing Demand

Keep in mind that the horror stories you hear about the economy every day from the mainstream corporate media are designed to (A) keep Americans in fear, and (B) maintain profits by selling fear. Besides, the mainstream media, which is controlled by only five corporations today, abdicated its responsibility for providing real “news” many years ago in favor of reporting half-truths and celebrity gossip while providing “infotainment” sound bites.

What does this have to do with selling cosmetics? The simple answer is in what they’re not telling you: selling cosmetics from home will always be profitable, because regardless of what’s going on in the world, people always want to look and feel their best. This fact is at the heart of your success when you join the ranks of work from home moms and make money selling cosmetics.

A Sensible Business Model

If you’ve been burned by “work-at-home” pyramid schemes and are hesitant about listening to anyone who says you can work at home selling cosmetics, you should know that there are other, more effective business models out there. Direct selling cosmetics is one such model.

Instead of “recruiting” other people to sell for you, selling beauty products from home using the direct marketing method means that you simply share your experiences about using the products you’re selling with trusted friends and neighbors. Of course, it is expected that you will have tried and developed confidence in these products yourself; that way, you’re not really selling cosmetics; these products are selling themselves!

Regardless of so-called “news” about the economy, beauty products will always be in demand, meaning that there are abundant opportunities for work from home moms. Is selling beauty products from home the right opportunity for you? The first step is to try such products and convince yourself of their quality and usefulness; after that, you’re half way to becoming one of the happy work at home moms of America.

About the Author
Anne Harvester has years of experience in Beauty products. She can give you advice on simple, safe effective techniques that help promote wellness.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Top Business Leaders Reveal the Secrets of Success

Out of the bevy of reality television shows today, no TV show affects the business minds and goals of entrepreneurs everywhere more than “The Apprentice”. The show stars Donald Trump, the famous, wealthy real estate and business icon that has become a household name. Donald Trump has been in business for several decades and knows the secrets to becoming a highly successful businessman.

In the past, public indications of his success were mainly found on buildings in New York City such as Trump Towers. He has been a major player in New York City and in the business world for the past few decades. However, the general public didn’t always have intimate access to his world like they do now through “The Apprentice” television show. On the show he interviews several candidates for a highly coveted position in his company. The candidates work on various tasks over several weeks. They rely on their education and experience to help them succeed.

The candidates and any business professional would benefit from learning the secrets of Donald Trump’s success. You might not have the opportunity to be on the show, but you can listen your way to success instead. Invest in your future by listening to Trump: How to Get Rich by Donald J. Trump. Donald Trump provides valuable insights on how to become a champion in business and reap financial rewards previously unimaginable. He covers a wide range of topics from investing to hiring the best employees.

Donald Trump is not the only business guru dispensing advice and anecdotes about his personal success. Steve Jobs revitalized Apple and returned it to dominance among technology companies. Jack Welch brought General Electric to new levels of success through innovative and unique business methods. Experience their business journeys by listening to The Second Coming of Steve Jobs by Alan Deutschman and Jack: Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch.

Interested in a business success story rifled with scandal? Listening to The Rockefellers by Peter Collier will suit your fancy. The Rockefeller family created a dynasty that built a mountain of wealth, but also evoked family of problems. Learn the affects of success that were both beneficial and detrimental to the Rockefellers.

Want to hear about other entrepreneurs? Check out the Venture Voice Podcast by Gregory Galant or the InfoTalk podcast from Take an inside look at how to start a business, where technology is headed and other entrepreneurial issues.
Pop in these audio books on your car drive or train commute to work. Listen while you are working on paperwork at home or exercising in the gym. Take the time to become business savvy and learn from the pros. You’ll be glad you did as your bank account swells and your business takes off.

About the author:
Jillian Gregory writes for, an online portal for educational and self-development audio and video material which can be found at http://www.learnoutloud.comFor the HTML version of this article complete with links to the titles that were mentioned, please visit

Rental Property Investment - Finding The Properties

Rental property investment starts with finding the best deals. To do this, you can increase your odds by finding more deals. Who's more likely to get a cheap apartment building, an investor that looks through the MLS listings and calls it a day, or the one that uses ten resources?
Here are those ten:

1. Look in old papers to find "For Rent" ads. Call if they are a few weeks old. The landlord may be ready to sell, especially if he hasn't yet rented the units out.

2. Look up old FSBO ads. Call on two-month-old "For sale By Owner" ads, and if they haven't sold, they may be ready to deal. Owners often give up the effort, but still would love to sell. Help them out!

3. Drive around looking for "For Sale By Owner" signs. Owners often don't want to pay to keep the ad in the paper every week, so you won't see all properties there.

4. Find abandoned properties. That's a pretty clear sign that the owner doesn't want to deal with the property. He might sell cheap.

5. Talk. Let people know you are looking and sometimes the properties will come to you. There are a lot of owners out there who want to sell, but haven't yet listed their property.
6. Talk to bankers. You might get a foreclosed rental property cheaper if you buy it before they list it with a real estate agent.

7. Offer someone a finder's fee. There are people that always seem to hear about the good deals. Have such people coming to you.

8. Eviction notices. If your local papers publish eviction notices, or if you can get the information at the courthouse, it can be useful. A landlord who just went through the procees of evicting tenants is a likely seller.

9. Use the internet. Go to a search engine and enter the type of real estate you are looking for, along with the city you want to invest in. You never know what you might find.

10. Put an ad in the paper. "Looking for rental properties to buy," might be sufficient to generate a few calls.
There is a lot more to learn to do it right, but finding good properties is a good place to start for rental property investment.

About The Author
Steve Gillman has invested in real estate for years. To get a free real estate investing course, and see a photo of a beautiful house he and his wife bought for $17,500, visit

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Even The Laziest Person In The World Can Work From Home

Looking for the right job seems tough. Imagine being jobless and you are scouring through the classifieds everyday just to find a suitable job that you want. Imagine being a retiree and you just cannot seem to find a company who would hire you.

Imagine your family is breaking apart because you often have to stay in office till the wee hours before you get home. Imagine earning a mediocre sum of salary and you cannot seem to find other jobs to support you and/or your family.

An online job would easily solve all your troubles and woes. Even the laziest person in the world can work from home. Having said all these let me tell you how it works. All you need is just a set of computer, sign up for a company you wish to work for and you can start earning your salary from home.

But please be aware that there are some companies out there out to scam people like you. Be alert and not fall into their trap.

It is a pleasure to work from home as you can do whatever you like. You need not be afraid of being reprimanded by your boss. You need not be back from lunch on time. You can take naps for as long as you like and no one will bother you at all.

If you are into data entry, all you need to do is to accept assignments from the various companies, complete them on time and you will get paid accordingly.

If you are into surveys, just select the survey which you would like to do, complete it and you will receive your money.

If you are into internet marketing, you would need to own a site, promote which ever products you wish to promote and wait for the cash to roll in.

All these jobs all require you to just work from home. No questions asked. This is why even the laziest person in the world can have such a job.

About The Author
Mathias Conner now earns a steady flow of income by working from his home. Ever since being bankrupt a few years back, he has managed to pull through and has a relaxing job at home. Visit to find out how.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Working From Home VS Working in an Office

There are tons of reason why you should get started working from home. But the mega two reasons are:

1. You get to work at home!

2. You get to spend more time with your family!

Besides this two, I want you to know that working from home has a lot of advantages. That is why many people out there are trying to find a job that allows them to stay at home and work.

A possible few reasons that people want is job are:

1. People who are out of job

2. People who are lazy to travel to work

3. People who want to save travelling fee

4. People who want to earn some extra income

5. People who want to make it big online

6. Retirees who want to earn some income

7. People whom are tired of being reprimanded by bosses for even the slightest mistake

8. People who hate office job to the core that you would die if you stayed on

9. People who are always late for work, hence the deduction in your monthly salary

10. People who always love staying up just to catch a soccer match and are unable to get up in time for work.

Now, why should you get started working from home? Besides the two reasons I mentioned earlier, these are a few more:

1. Money earned easily from your home.

2. You can have tons of toilet breaks and no one can stop you.

3. You can take naps for as long as you like, as long as the assignments are complete otherwise you won't get paid.

4. There will not be any overtime work. If you have time to spare, you can complete more assignments for more income.

5. No one to reprimand you of your mistakes.

6. You need not get up early just to work. You can work anytime.

7. You can surf the net and complete your assignments at the same time.

8. You can watch a replay of your soccer match and complete your assignments at the same time.

9. No limit to your lunch breaks and tea breaks and whatsoever breaks.

10. Expect no salary cut at all.

You would be thinking, what if everyone quits their day job and start working from home? Well, there are people in this world who loves being stuck in his office cubicle and enjoys being reprimanded by their supervisors and boss.

Therefore, if you wish to start working from home, do not hesitate at all and start as soon as you like. Working from home has no boundaries.

About The Author
Mathias Conner now earns a steady flow of income by working from his home. Ever since being bankrupt a few years back, he has managed to pull through and has a relaxing job at home. Visit to find out how.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Working From Home Is Forever A Dream?

Working from home seems like a dream that everyone wishes for, but you can make this dream come true. Working from home might seem much like a scam, but in actual fact, there are companies who are willing to hire people to work from their homes.

There are so many job opportunities for you to choose from. From taking online surveys to doing data entry work, just like a normal clerk doing his/her daily job in office. But the difference is, you can get to do this by working at home and you can have your own tea break or maybe even a nap on your comfortable bed.

It is true that there are many scam sites out there wanting to con you. But you can prevent that from happening. All you need to do is to do a little research and you can be safe from those scams.

Reaping in a hundred and fifty dollars a day can be achieved. But it requires tremendous amount of hard work and research. Imagine having yourself signed up to 15 survey companies out there, and they each have 5 daily surveys for you with a payout rate of 2 dollars per survey. All you have to do is to complete all 75 surveys and you can reach the 150-dollars-a-day target. It may sound simple, but having to do 75 surveys really takes up a lot of your time. But after all, you still get to work from home. And with such a tempting amount of income, who can resist it?

There are other ways to earn 150 dollars per day. You can take up data entry job, reading emails, writing articles or maybe you can venture into online marketing for those who are willing to try. All of these jobs require you to just sit down in front of your computer and start working from home.

If you are willing to work hard, you might even earn more than 150 dollars a day. It all depends on your willingness to learn and the amount of hard work you put in. Remember, there is no free lunch in this world. Some might think that working from home sounds tough, but let me tell you that if you manage to pull through from all the hard work, everything that you do after the hardship, would be as easy as memorizing the alphabets ABC.

About The Author
Mathias Conner now earns a steady flow of income by working from his home. Ever since being bankrupt a few years back, he has managed to pull through and has a relaxing job at home. Visit to find out how.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Build An Internet Marketing List Of Over 100,000

In anticipation of an upcoming launch of Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula 2, I told my list that I was going to offer a solo mailing to one of my lists of over 120,000. This immediately started a flood of emails asking how they could order early... something that I anticipated.

The second flood of emails asked how I had managed to build such a huge database. Rather than answering that second question in individual emails, I decided to answer it with this article.

First of all, I should point out that I've been in business online since late-1996, and have been slowly building my lists almost since the very beginning. So, I didn't accomplish this overnight. Still, I know that you can build a huge list rather quickly if you use the right techniques.

Here are some of my favorite list-building techniques:

1) Put a sign-up form on every page of your websites, except for direct sales pages where it would interrupt the flow too much. Next to that sign-up form, give a powerful reason why they need to join your list, and ask them to take action.

Next to the sign-up form, assure them that you will protect them from spam. Also post a few testimonials as proof of the value your newsletter provides.

2) Write information-packed articles and distribute them everywhere appropriate. I've written over 850 information-packed article on the topic of Internet marketing. Those articles demonstrate my expertise, share useful information, and bring visitors to my websites ready to join my lists.

I believe in sharing a lot of cutting edge information in my articles. Many people only drop hints, but I'm not afraid of sharing too much. The reason is that knowledge grows exponentially, and since I'm constantly learning new things, I can never teach you everything that I know.

Since I don't fear running out of useful information that you will value, my articles are genuinely helpful, and that generates lots of loyal subscribers.

3) Write information-packed, inexpensive ebooks and then allow affiliates to sell them for most of the profit.

I create a steady stream of ebooks - largely expansions of my articles - and then I set up affiliate programs where affiliates earn as much as 100% commission. Money is a great motivator for getting others to send you lots of new "paying" customers and subscribers

My favorite tool for setting up these "ebook traffic magnets" is Sid Hale's Rapid Action Profits script. This script allows you to set up a system where an affiliate earns INSTANT commissions which are paid directly to their Paypal accounts.

High commissions are a great motivator for people to send you new potential subscribers. When those commissions are paid instantly to affiliates who often have cash-flow problems, it's like pouring gasoline on a fire.

You'll find Sid's Rapid Action Profits System at:

4) Run pay-per-click campaigns... when the math makes sense. This is something that I don't see a lot of my competitors doing. However, when I know that my conversions rates or backend profits are sufficient, I often run pay-per-click ads... sometimes even for free items.
With pay-per-clicks, you need to closely monitor your results. You also need a good idea of the lifetime value of a new customer or subscriber. To me, it makes perfect sense to lose a dollar to gain a new highly qualified subscriber.

If you're paying attention, you'll notice numerous Internet marketers who run promotions where they pay a dollar or more for referrals who simply opt-in to a list. I essentially do the same thing when using pay-per-clicks. With pay-per-clicks you reach new subscribers who may not already be on a dozen other marketers' lists.

5) Use free giveaways where appropriate. I contribute to, and help to promote free giveaways, when they are well managed and the quality is high. I've built large lists doing this and have a friend who got over 5000 subscribers from one of his first giveaways. I've written about how I do that many times before.

The key with free giveaways is that you need to offer a gift of high enough value that your new subscribers instantly bond with you. You still have to develop the relationship, but your gift should start it on a positive note.

Many people who participate in free giveaways offer "absolute garbage." Once their new subscriber downloads their free "gift" and look through it, they HAVE to feel insulted.

My rule is to always offer a gift that's good enough to sell. I was humored when, in one recent giveaway, I contributed resale rights to one of my new ebooks, along with a rough website. Before the giveaway was even over, at least one fast-acting individual had my ebook set up using the Rapid Action Profits script mentioned in number three, above.

6) Give away free viral ebooks. Write ebooks on topics that you know a lot of people are interested in. In those ebooks recommend specific solutions to problems, and include affiliate links to buy those products. Make some of those links rebrandable.

If the ebooks are filled with lots of useful information, AND they have links that can be rebranded, then you have an ebook that should go viral. People are incentivized to spread it!

In these ebooks, offer some type of a free bonus... perhaps an audio recording, or a template, or free piece of software, but require readers to visit your website to get this bonus. On your site, require them to register, or join your mailing list, to get the freebie.

If the original ebook delivered tremendous value, then the new potential subscriber will have no objection to joining your list. If the free ebook offered marginal value, then they have to assume that your other "gift" will be more of the same, and so they won't subscribe.

For creating viral ebooks, I recommend using the "Viral Document Toolkit" a next-generation PDF brander created by David Schwartz. The Viral Document Toolkit allows you to easily create rebrandable documents where you can specify links, and text that can be rebranded. You can even specify rather large BLOCKS of text as rebrandable... and even rebrand hyperlinked images! You create a rebrandable ebook, and then pass along the ebook (with most parts locked, but some parts changeable) along with the rebrander tool, to your subscribers, website visitors, customers, etc. Since they can profit from changing the ebook, they happily spread it, and in the process build you a huge list.

You'll find the Viral Document Toolkit at:

David finished testing the Viral Document Toolkit software March 1st, 2008, so you'll be using a tool that 99.9% of your competitors will have never seen. VDT is actually so revolutionary that NO ONE other than a few of David's closest friends have even been allowed to touch it, until now.

If you make your new viral ebooks good enough, you may be pleasantly surprised to see your competitors promoting them ;-)

7) Take massive action and do it immediately. One of my secrets to building my database so large is that when I'm shown a new tool or technique, and it passes "the common sense test," then I put it to immediate use... provided it doesn't distract me from something more urgent that I'm already working on.

Many of my contemporaries, and subscribers, complained about having no list as long as five years ago. Many of them still use that same excuse for why they've not made any real business growth progress.

I'm not sure why this is since all of the techniques that I, and that many of my mentors use, are so simple... and even obvious!

The key is not to over-analyze things. That traps you into "paralysis by analysis." Instead, get into the habit of doing while others are still "thinking about it."

My friend, Dr. Joe Vitale, taught me that "money loves speed!"

I've just shared with you some of the techniques that I've used to build a massive subscriber database. Of course, I can't cover every technique that I use in this short article. I will close by sharing that part of the key to growing your list is actually retaining the subscribers after you get them. To do that, you merely need to deliver tremendous content telling them how to solve their most pressing problems.

Simple - right?

posted by:Willie Crawford

Searching For A Work From Home Job? Beware Of Scammers.

So, how to search for a job which allows you to be working from home? There are many ways that allows you to be able to search for a job like that. But there are also many scam websites out there wanting to cheat you of your time and money. To prevent that from happening, I have come to warn you of the scam techniques used out there.

A website is usually the primary source for scammers.

If you happen to stumble upon a website that looks somewhat unprofessional but you are tempted into doing the job, think twice before you even agree to them.
Remember to check by keying in the company name into search engines and see if you can find results about them. Usually, there would be some results coming from several forums and sites which have reviews about the company which you are searching for.
So, look through the comments, and if none of them are negative about that company, go ahead and join them. If there are tons of negative comments, you might want to avoid being in contact with it anymore. If the searches give little or no search results, the company might still be new, but you better take a little precaution and step away from that site at the moment until there are some reviews about it.

If your friend happens to be working from home, you might want to consult him/her about it. Ask him/her to give you some advice and if he/she permits, ask them to let you in on what company they are working for. This way, you are surely a hundred and one percent safe from being conned.

Sometimes, companies would advertise on papers to look for people willing to work from home. You should get a copy of your daily newspapers and make an effort to scan through each and every advertisement so as to make sure you are not missing out on any offers that allows you to work from home. This might seem to be the safest way, but you must also be alert. If they do advertise their website together with the ad, go have a look at their website and decide for yourself whether it seems like a scam or not. If they want you to give them a call, go ahead. If the personnel attending to you sound somewhat unprofessional, do not hesitate and just hang up, they are just wasting their time trying to rip you off.

posted by:Mathias Conner

Three Home Based Business Marketing Secrets

Marketing is the part of business that no one seems to like.
Perhaps that's because it's confusing and made to be even more confusing when you begin to read books on marketing and its applications to the business world.
So, are there any secrets that actually work and that you can actually apply to your online business? The answer is yes.
There are three home based business marketing secrets that you can keep in mind as you begin this adventure into running your own business - and as you become a success.

Less is More

One of the things that marketing professionals don't tell you is that you really don't need to do as much as you think you do. By simply adopting a strategy of telling as many people as you can, treating each customer with respect, and then repeating this cycle, that's going to bring in a lot of new business. Word of mouth advertising may not get as much press as it once did, but it certainly still works when it comes to smaller home based businesses.

You also want to keep in mind that these marketing secrets don't require a lot of time or a lot of money in order to be effective. Something as simple as adding your website address to your emails is just as effective as running a commercial on TV and a lot less expensive to implement. Think about smaller ways to spread the word instead of bigger ways. Target only the customers that have already shown interest in what you have to sell and you're certain to market for success.

More is Less

You also want to remember that a customer on the internet these days is accustomed to seeing a lot of advertisements, so they know when they are being 'sold' something. Instead of focusing your messages on sales exclusively, try bringing the customer information they can use - informational articles, etc.

When you put too many advertisements in outgoing emails or you simply push your company too much, you will turn off prospective customers. Even if they are interested in what you have to say, the more you talk to them about the same things, the more they're going to wonder what the 'catch' is and why they should buy from you at all.

Recognize that your customers are smart and that they WILL respond to you, even if you don't tell them about every sale or every feature for your products. You just don't have to beat them over the head with what you want to sell them.

Use Your Home Based Appeal to Bring People to You

By adding a personalized touch to your marketing strategies, you will begin to pull in more customers, almost without trying. So often, online businesses forget that it's their placement and location that allows them to be unique. Instead of downplaying the fact that you work from home, make sure that your customers know it. Show them pictures of your office and pictures of yourself to make the experience more personal.

This is a marketing strategy that works no matter what you are selling. Since people aren't meeting you in person, the personalization will do the 'talking' for you, making a customer more comfortable with you.
Try adding a blog to your website that will introduce the kind of person you are and what you are capable of helping a customer with. Or you might want to include a video of yourself talking about your product or a personal story that relates to your product. The internet can be such an impersonal place, so try to connect with your customer more.

posted by:Scott Oliver

Five Kinds of Successful Online Businesses

If you're seriously considering starting an online business, it makes sense that you would want to choose something that's going to do well right from the start.
When you're investing time and money in your business, it would help to know if you're setting yourself up for failure or for success. Here are five different kinds of online businesses that have proven to be a hit with customers.
Perhaps you can find your perfect business idea here too.

Health and Weight Loss

Everyone either wants to lose weight or wants to improve their health. We're a society that wants to take care of our bodies and if we look good at the same time, that's all the better. If you want to start an online business, you might want to focus on ways to help people lose weight or simply to improve their health.
You can do this by offering fitness and health related products on your website or perhaps by offering eBooks that will help them make better health decisions.
Try to find something that relates to a question or a concern a person has about their health - and then you have a viable and profitable business plan.


While it used to be that beauty was something that only women talked about, that certainly isn't the case any longer. That said, women are still the consumer group that is much more likely to invest in makeup and skin care products, though men too are looking to improve their appearance. With anti aging face products, both genders can begin to reclaim their youthful appearance, which will help them feel more confident in any setting. Selling high quality makeup products and helping customers with their choices is a great business plan, as it allows customers to have the department store experience from the comfort of their home.

Exercise and Sports

But weight loss isn't the only concern with it comes to health for customers. Exercise and sports are other areas where you can make a profit with your online business. For example, selling sporting equipment or products related to sports fans is still a big business. When you work with the team and their product line, you will be able to access thousands of fans who want to support their team with licensed products.


Of course, fashion is still a hot seller, no matter where you are. If you can present high quality fashions on your website, you will attract not only the teenaged sector, but also those in their twenties and thirties - of both genders. Look to celebrity and gossip magazines to show you what's hot and what's not and then look for a vendor that sells the same or similar items that you can them turn around to sell for a profit.

Low Price Goods

No matter what you choose to add to your website, if you can sell products available on other sites for a much lower price, you are going to do well. This goes for fashion, beauty, exercise, sports, etc. If you can find high quality products that can be sold at much lower prices, you will draw in many more customers than you could have with higher priced goods. For example, if you can find a way to sell organic goods and clothing for much cheaper than healthy food specialty stores, you can help those that want to be healthier, but can't afford the higher prices of other stores.
No matter what you choose, try at first to think of things that you yourself might want to buy online - chances are good that you're not the only one.

posted by:Scott Oliver

Friday, April 4, 2008

How to Raise the Money to Start Your Internet Business in 5 Easy Steps

So, you have discovered that perfect home-based business that is going to have prospects banging down the door to sign up…but you don't have the money to invest. The investment requirement may be $1500, it may be $1000, it may be $100.
The point is that you have NO money to spare, if you want to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. This describes most, in today's economy, but you are special because you are wise enough to realize that if you just keep doing what you are doing now, you are just going to keep getting poorer.
Now mind you, that doesn't mean you can walk into your boss's office, drop off your resignation letter, and tell him to pound sand just yet…that comes later. But, you know that while your day job will make you a living, your online business will make you a fortune. Right?
So the challenge is to raise the money to start your business as soon as possible. The methods I am about to teach you will do just that, PLUS generate recurring monthly savings that will become your advertising budget.

Step 1: Where is My Money Going Now?

The simplest and best way of making money is to reduce your costs. But you may already only be buying what you need! So, we are going to reduce our costs WITHOUT sacrificing the goods/services that we need. But first, what ARE our costs?
Exercise: Take out last month's bank statement and credit card bills. Itemize each of your major costs. Your list may look something like this:
* Mortgage on house or cost of renting
* Car payments * Health Insurance
* Car Insurance
* Homeowners Insurance
* Groceries
* Fast food/lunches out at work
* Telephone/Internet/Cable
* Gas
These are just a few. It can be frightening to see just how much money you are spending to keep a roof over your head!
So now that we know WHERE our money is going, let's take action to divert more of it away from other people's pockets and into our own. We will do that via…

Step 2: Competitive Bidding--Who wants my business?

It is simply astonishing how almost every company utilizes competitive bidding, and yet how few households do! For every item we listed up there, there are dozens, hundreds, or thousands of different companies who would love to have you as their customer!
Let's make them compete against each other, shall we?
Exercise: Find your policies for Health, Auto and Home Insurance. Find exactly what your coverages are, and your premiums. THEN, go online to a competitive bidding website, fill out your information, and request quotes from dozens of bidders! I personally use LowerMyBills and E-Health Insurance (links are provided in the resource box below). Representatives from these companies will be scrambling all over each other to provide you with their most competitive quotes, especially if you…
Tip: TELL THEM that other companies are bidding for your business! No one wants the competition to get a customer, so they will cut their margins as much as they can! Tip: Create URGENCY by telling them that you are only accepting bids until X date, at which point you will choose the most inexpensive offer that meets your needs!

You will be astonished at how much this will reduce your monthly costs. This is a service that I perform for clients, in exchange for a % of whatever I save them, and believe me that is a pretty penny. But you don't need me to do it for you, you can do this yourself!

Savings: (will obviously vary from person to person, this is what I tend to see on average) Savings on health insurance: $200 per month Savings on car insurance: $100 per month Savings on home insurance: $75 per month First-month savings on insurance: $375 Ongoing monthly savings: $375/month Wow! That's a nice chunk of change right there towards your business. And your actual results may be much higher or much lower, but chances are that right now, unless you bid out your insurance annually, your provider is probably treating you like a 200-pound 4th-grader taking your lunch money.

Step 3: I Can Pay Less, to Save MORE?!?

Have you been reading the news about the economy? In an effort to turn around the recession, the FED has been slashing through interest rates with speed and vigor usually seen only in Japanese Samurai movies.
Take out that mortgage bill, and see what rate you are paying. 7%? 6%?
We'll use an average mortgage amount of $200,000, and assume your current interest rate is 7% at a 30 year fixed loan. Ergo, your payment is $1,330.60 per month.
Do you have any idea JUST HOW MUCH money you can save by refinancing now at a lower rate?
With the Fed rate cuts, loans at 5% are easily available. Just that 2% drop in interest will lower your payment on the SAME LOAN to $1,073.64…saving you $237 per month!! Let's add that in… 1st-Month Savings on Refinancing at lower rate: $237 Ongoing monthly savings: $237/month And you can roll in your closing costs to the loan, so you don't pay anything up front, and STILL be saving this much (a few thousand over a 30-year loan just knocks off about $20 per month from your savings, which is already factored in above).

Step 4: Waste Not, Want Not

Now we are going to look at such a simple, obvious, and EASY way to save money, that never even occurs to most people.
What are you doing for lunch at work? Are you getting fast food, because it's easy and convenient? If so, you are spending about $6-$8 per meal!
Or do you eat out a restaurant? That gets REALLY expensive, anywhere from $10-$20 per meal or more! For this example, we will say that you are like most of working America and you eat lunch at a fast food place, spending $7 per meal.
So not only are you clogging your arteries and getting poor nutrition, but you are spending $210 per month just on lunch!!
Start bringing your lunch to work with you. Make yourself a sandwich, or whatever you please. The groceries will add up to $1-$2 per meal, if that. Let's say $2 per meal.
1st-Month Savings on Brown-bagging it for lunch: $150!! Ongoing monthly savings: $150/month Benefit to your health: Priceless!
And how badly do you REALLY need that $3 Mochachino from Starbucks every morning on the way to work? If you cut that out of your budget, there's another $90 per month you save!


Ok, fiiiine! Give it up for just the first month then. If you are going to be able to make $1000's of dollars per month by starting your internet business, wouldn't you be willing to make that small sacrifice?
In the words of Jim Rohn, "OF COOOURSE!!"

Step 5: Take Advantage of the Economic Stimulus

By now you've probably gotten the letter from the IRS about the Economic Stimulus Plan…you are going to be receiving a check for somewhere between $300 and $1200 in May 2008!
If you spend it on bills, it's gone, and the bills will be back…with friends. That's why you want to start your internet business in the first place, right? So that you will have gigantic loads of income streaming in again and again from your marketing efforts?
For this example, let's assume you are married, below a certain income level, and have 1 child. Your tax rebate will be $900 (or possibly $1200, but let's be conservative).
Ok, let's recap. So far, we've managed to raise:

Savings on health insurance: $200 per month
Savings on car insurance: $100 per month
Savings on home insurance: $75 per month
Savings on Refinancing at lower rate: $237 per month
Savings on small luxuries like Starbucks: $90 month 1
Unexpected Tax Rebate Coming in May: $900 month 1!
Savings from not eating out for lunch: $150 per month
Total Savings for First Month: $1752
Ongoing Savings per Month: $762 per month

WOW! We are there!! You have raised $1,752 to start your business, which is more than most cost! Not only that, but you will be saving almost $800 per month…let's take $400 of that and invest it our business as our Advertising Budget, and we will have LOTS of prospects coming to our site…and from there, it is just a matter of the Law of Averages to generate out your sales.
My Passport to Wealth business only costs $997 to get started, and an advertising budget of $350 per month gets you a professional Marketing Manager who does all your marketing for you, AND a personal sales assistant who calls all your prospects! I have included a link in the resource box to learn more about this hands-free automated internet business.
So that would leave an extra $752 in month 1, even above and beyond the cost of investing in your business…AND you would have ongoing savings of $412 per month.
Do you think you could find a use for this extra money that you raised?
Feel free to contact me if you need any help with any of these 5 Simple Steps to Raise the Money to Start Your Internet Business. I believe strongly that giving back to others is the way to wealth.
Kind regards,
posted by : Robert Hunter